Brain Man VR is pitching at London AI Summit 2024

Last week Brain Man VR won the AI Forge Mentor Matching pitch competition on Carnaby Street in London’s lively West End. It won us a spot at the London AI Summit pitching to the great and good of the AI community on Thurs 13th June at the Tobacco Dock event.

We’ll be pitching at this on Thurs 13th June 2024, come say hi!

We’ll be showcasing our unique blend of neuroscience-infused, AI-driven, VR learning experiences aimed at 13-15 year olds GCSE maths students. Will you be there? If yes, please do get in touch if you want to learn more about how Brain Man VR is working with schools, tutors and students all over Greater London to bring this exciting new product into the UK.


BMVR Co-Creation Program


Chat-GPT4o can function as a maths tutor