VIRTUAL REALITY - the great leveller


Image by Raquelita96 (Creative Commons, unaltered)

MAY 18TH, 2022

When interacting with each other in virtual reality (VR) it doesn’t matter what you look like. You could be naked for all anyone can tell. So the days of prejudicial behaviour based on skin colour, style of dress, ethnicity etc may be numbered once VR meetings become the everyday way to do business.

Not only that, but research has even been published demonstrating that VR can be used to reduce unconscious bias. Using VR to enable people to inhabit the body of someone from a different ethnicity has been shown to reduce bias against people of non-white ethnicities.

Either way VR can help to make the working world a fairer place. While other VR business applications delight in competing with each other to make the computer-generated avatars that represent clients in their virtual environments look as true to life as possible (see Meta Workrooms and the quite startling MetaHuman for examples of this), here at Brain Man VR we’ve taken a different approach. Our avatars don’t look human at all. Because the whole point is it simply doesn’t matter matter what you look like.

What really counts is what you have to say and how you express yourself. We think that voice, body language and movement around the 3D space is perfectly sufficient for crystal clear communication and a highly compelling feeling of being present in the virtual space alongside your colleagues. The only way to truly grasp the truth in this is to try it, so why not get in touch to arrange your Jumpstart into VR session, right now?


VIRTUAL REALITY improves well-being