Digital Catapult Co-Creation Event

Learning maths by making pizzas in virtual reality. User testing at Digital Catapult on wed 28th Aug 2024

Brain Man VR is delighted to announce a User Testing session at Digital Catapult (opposite the British Museum, Kings Cross) on Wednesday 28th August from 12-3pm.

The Digital Catapult London Centre can be found at: 101 Euston Road, Euston Road, London, NW1 2RA (nearest train station London King’s Cross St Pancras).

The three hour session is split into 3x 1 hour slots, and there are places for up to three teens per slot.

In an ideal world a parent would bring their 13-14 year old plus two of their teen’s friends.

If you’d like to register for a place, please provide your name, your phone number and your child’s name, plus any other children who will also be coming:

Each hour slot is split into three parts:

1) Introduction

Our CEO Richard “Dr Jack” Lewis introduces each hour long session with the story of his career path from neuroscience into virtual reality.

An explanation of how entrepreneurs build start up businesses and take them from pre-seed (building a proof of concept), to seed (revenues generated by building on a minimum viable product) and onto Series A funding stages (scaling up once the product is doing the business).

A mini-crash course in Agile Development whereby the Proof of Concept is built in three week sprints followed by user testing to understand what is good and bad about the product so far.

2) User Testing of Brain Man VR’s first game: Pizza Maths, where teens learn how to calculate complex ratios by making pizzas in a virtual reality pizza restaurant.

Each teen takes turns putting on the VR headset, immersing themselves in a fun game that makes learning maths a breeze.

3) User Feedback - each teen fills out a quick questionnaire to share their thoughts on the look, feel and gameplay.

Being part of the Brain Man VR co-creation program is great fun, teaches teens about how software is built from the ground up and gives them a great story for their UCAS form.

So don’t wait as space is limited, sign up now!

Digital Catapult London can be found directly opposite the British Museum on the Euston Road: 101 Euston Road, Euston Road, London, NW1 2RA


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