VIRTUAL REALITY can help to save the world
JUNE 25th, 2022
As people start using virtual reality (VR) to meet up with others, rather than getting in their car or stepping on a plane, their carbon footprint shrinks accordingly. This isn’t just nice to have. It’s vital for the whole planet.
While VR will never (and should never) replace face-to-face interactions entirely, its power to reduce the number of car and plane rides while enabling people to continue having meaningful social interactions will be a significant step forward in limiting the detrimental impact humans are having on our planet. Clearly this is just one part of the master plan.
One typical objection is that what we do as individuals is a drop in the ocean compared to the carbon emissions produced by global industries. Yet business air travel plays its role because aviation is an incredibly fossil fuel-dependent way to travel. This is why B Corp companies are committed to taking a more sustainable method of travel (like trains), wherever possible, in order to lead by example and start taking steps in the right direction.
Another common objection to the suggestion of mass adoption of virtual reality technologies is that it’s all well and good for someone from a rich European nation to suggest that people start using VR to do business, but what of those from poorer nations who find themselves priced out?
To this we counter that 10 years ago a VR rig that gave a half decent experience cost over £250,000, 5 years ago this came down to £2,500, now it’s just a few hundred. While this is still too costly for many, that won’t be the case forever. And it is important that developed nations lead by example, to demonstrate that the more sustainable option it also an effective one.
Speaking of costs there’s another important benefit of attending faraway meetings and conferences in VR rather than real life: it’s much, much cheaper.
Hesitate no longer, please do get in touch and schedule your Jumpstart into VR session now!