User Testing on 0.1 Complete

Scenes from Pizza Maths VR 0.1 user testing at Digital Catapult over summer 2024

In total we tested version 0.1 of Pizza Maths VR with 30 learners from age 10-14. This took place over the summer of 2024 and the feedback has been absolutely vital for planning the development work that is taking place to improve the aspects of the game play that were deemed to be not good enough, make the good bits even better and include some extra features that our user testing panel suggested would add even more value to the overall experience.

The vast majority of those who tested Pizza Math VR 0.1 were 13-14 years old

Our user testing panel was an even split of male and female.

Overall the vast majority of our respondents rated version 0.1 of Pizza Maths VR as "very good" or "good" so we're hoping to push this rating up once we've made the suggested improvements.

Our users found Pizza Maths VR 0.1 intuitive and easy to use, even without a tutorial (which we fully intend to add further down the line)

Bearing in mind this was just a proof of concept version of Pizza Maths VR, we were blown away that the aesthetic appeal was already deemed to be reasonably good. Will be much better after polish.

The concept of using VR to learn maths received a majority of "excellent" votes. Users were delighted that we'd disguised the hard graft of practising ration calculations in a fun game.

Our users certainly enjoyed the experience of trying out the 0.1 version of Pizza Maths VR, but there's plenty of room for improvement

They say you can't keep all the people happy all the time - but it's clear that everyone who participated in the co-creation program enjoyed it, which is extremely gratifying!


VR Mindfulness Meditation